I have the unfortunate habit of second guessing myself. Do I really want to do that? Is that really a good idea? Is that really what I want to eat? It’s not helpful in the least and it certainly doesn’t get me anywhere. So, when I read this nugget of wisdom in Amy Poehler’s memoir, Yes… Continue reading
Post Category → Mind & Soul
#BeWild: A Life Worth Living
#BeWild is a weekly roundup of thought-provoking, sometimes “out-there” content to help/inspire/motivate you to tap into your wild, get a little lost, find your path. “You’re too serious,” said my best friend. This wasn’t new information, just the first time anyone had ever put it into words and said them to me. I’ve long suspected that I’m… Continue reading
#BeWell: The Contentment Habit
#BeWell is a weekly roundup of inspiring, thought-provoking, and fun articles to help/inspire/motivate you to cultivate the well in your life. BE CONTENT If this week taught me anything, it’s that life works in very strange ways. And that it can, and often does, change in a flash, for better and for worse. In my case, for… Continue reading
#BeWild: Don’t Be Nice
#BeWild is a weekly roundup of thought-provoking, sometimes “out-there” content to help/inspire/motivate you to tap into your wild, get a little lost, find your path. I’ve recently been trying to find more creative time in my life. Instead of trying to fit writing in at odd free times, I now start every day with it (and… Continue reading
Don’t Be Busy
I cringe every time I hear myself say “Busy” when someone asks me how I am. It’s the automatic, the easy answer. But busy does describe how I actually am, just what I am. Busy. Or what I think I am. Busy. Admit it. You do it, too. Please, can we stop? “‘Busy’ is a… Continue reading
The Importance of Feeding Your Soul
When I first moved to Los Angeles from Hawaii for college at eighteen, a friend of my aunt an uncle told me at a dinner party, “L.A. is a great place to live, but you need to make sure that you feed your soul.” I eagerly nodded in agreement. I had no idea what she… Continue reading
#BeWell: The Joy of Quiet
The internet is both a wondrous and difficult, disturbing thing. There is too much soulless content out there, but there are also some gems. Enter #BeWell, a weekly roundup of inspiring, thought-provoking, and fun articles to help/inspire/motivate you to cultivate the well in your life.